Municipal Grant and Funding Opportunities

Learn more about various Municipal grants and funding opportunities.

Sump Pump Disconnection and Backwater Valve Installation Grants

The Municipality of Lambton Shores offers two programs to assist homeowners in taking action to protect their home:

  1. Sump Pump Disconnect Subsidy: 100% of the eligible costs, as invoiced by and paid to authorized contractor, combined with any permit fees, up to a maximum of $2,500
  2. Backwater Valve Installation Subsidy: 100% of the eligible costs, as invoiced by and paid to the contractor, combined with any permit fees, up to a maximum of $2,500

Learn more about the Sump Pump Disconnection and Backwater Valve Installation Grants

Community Grant Program

The Municipality of Lambton Shores has adopted a "Community Grant Program" to provide limited financial assistance to community groups and organizations within the Municipality to help with programs, projects or special events. The program exists to recognize the value of these groups to the well-being and growth of the community and in helping the Municipality retain a strong community focus.

Groups may ask for:

  • Financial assistance
  • Facility rental fee waivers
  • Staff support

If you have questions about the Community Grant Program, please contact our Community Services Department by email or 519-243-1400 (option 3).

Community Grant Application - Submission deadline for 2025 applications has passed

All application forms and supporting documents must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. September 15 of each year so requests can be included in budget discussions for the following year. In the event that September 15 falls on a weekend, applications will be accepted until 4:30 pm the following Monday. Applicants must review Policy CP-CS-POL-004 Community Grant Policy prior to submitting an application. Project Evaluation forms are to be completed and submitted 2 months after the events takes place.


Community Vibrancy Fund Program

The Community Vibrancy Fund was developed through the Municipality's agreement with Jericho Wind, LP (Cordelio Power, formerly NextEra). It offers financial assistance to programs, projects, services or activities that enhance the quality of life for residents in the areas of health, arts, culture, leisure, heritage, recreation, education and the environment.

Funding through the Community Vibrancy stream is available based on the terms and conditions of the Municipality's agreement with Jericho Wind, LP.

If you have questions about the Community Vibrancy Fund Program, please contact our Community Services Department by email or 519-243-1400 (option 3).

Community Vibrancy Fund Small Projects

The Community Vibrancy Fund Small Projects will fund up to 50% of total eligible project costs. Matching funds will be considered for cash contributions only and will not include matching funds for the value of in-kind services

Community Vibrancy Fund Small Projects Application - Submission deadline for 2025 applications has passed

If November 15 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline for applications will be the following Monday by 4:30 p.m. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Applications that request capital funding for municipal property must include a business case with the application that details how the project will not require ongoing municipal funding or operations support (e.g., maintenance). The following capital projects for municipal property are ineligible:

  • Projects that seek to replace a municipal asset prior to its scheduled replacement; and
  • Projects that seek to renovate a municipal building.

Applicants must review the Guidelines prior to submitting an application. Project Evaluation forms are to be completed and submitted 2 months after the events takes place.

If you have questions about the Community Vibrancy Fund Program, please contact our Community Services Department by email or 519-243-1400 (option 3).


Community Vibrancy Fund Large Projects

The Community Vibrancy Fund Large Projects will fund up to one-third of total eligible project costs. Funding is available for capital projects only.

Community Vibrancy Fund Large Projects Application - Accepted year-round

Any organization wishing to submit an application for a large project should schedule a meeting with the Director of Community Services prior to any submissions. Email Ashley Farr to schedule a meeting.

Applicants must review the Guidelines prior to submitting an application. 

Applicants must include with their application a detailed business case outlining how the project will be managed, sustained, and operated over the long term. Applicants must also provide information related to how the project aligns with one or more of Council’s Strategic Priorities.  The Applicant will be required to present the business case to Council once staff have determined the eligibility of the project.

If you have questions about the Community Vibrancy Fund Program, please contact our Community Services Department by email or 519-243-1400 (option 3).


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