Development and Planning

Good planning leads to organized growth and the efficient delivery of services. The policies and regulations in the Lambton Shores planning documents ensure that lands are developed in a manner that meets the existing and future goals of our community.

Current applications

All planning applications are heard at the Administration Building located at 9577 Port Franks Rd. Thedford, ON  N0M 2N0, in Council Chambers, unless otherwise posted.

Council Planning Applications - Appeals

Vacant Land of Condominium

 Reflection Shores/Sifton Properties Ltd.

5188 Cedar Point Line 

Filed June 6, 2024, 9577 Port Franks Rd, Thedford, ON  N0M 2N0

Ontario Land Tribunal Status Update 


Council Planning Applications


Date and Time

Official Plan Amendment OPA01-2022 & Zoning By-Law Amendment Z01-2022

2819332 Ontario Ltd.

Northville Cres.  


Zoning By-Law Amendment Z19-2024

Ken Stead

9780 Lakeshore Rd

Notice of Public Meeting

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 @ 7:00pm


Committee of Adjustment Planning Applications - Appeals

Minor Variance Application A06-2024

Sheldon Aaron c/o Laura Frances Aaron & Jennifer Aaron c/o Lerners LLP c/o Jacob Damstra

10034 Huron Dr 

Filed May 14, 2024 9577 Port Franks Rd, Thedford, ON  N0M 2N0

Ontario Land Tribunal Status Update


Committee of Adjustment Planning Applications


ApplicationNameAddressNoticeDate and Time
Minor Variance Application A17-2021

Kenneth & Shannon Constable
Authorized Agent:  d3Artworks c/o Rick Murphy

6501 West Parkway Drive

Notice of Decision - Deferred


Consent Application B02-2022

William Templeton

Authorized Agent: Jason Timms, Lefebvre & Lefebvre LLP

10096 Ducharme Lane

Notice of Decision - Deferred


Minor Variance A11-2024 Tony Hendrikx c/o Pete Bakker 10098 Klondyke Road Notice of Decision - Deferred TBD
Minor Variance A18-2024 Denis Shackel 10413 Huron Wood Dr Notice of Decision - Deferral TBD


Other information

Bill 23 Notice: Conservation Authority, approvals, and permits

The passage of Bill 23 has caused confusion respecting the roles of Conservation Authorities (CA). Please note that nothing in Bill 23 has changed CA Regulations as they affect the Municipality of Lambton Shores. Boundaries of CA-regulated areas and requirements to obtain CA approvals for any structures or alterations to grade within these regulated areas have not changed.

In particular, please note that decks constructed on the banks of Lake Huron and inland watercourses continue to require CA approvals. Setbacks from top of bank contained in the Municipal Zoning By-Law continue to apply. Further, a deck is also required to obtain a building permit from the Municipality if any portion of the deck exceeds 24 inches above grade.

Community Improvement Plan

The Municipality of Lambton Shores and its Consultant have prepared a CIP in accordance with Section 28 of the Planning Act. The purpose of this Plan is to enable the Municipality to provide financial incentives, in the form of a grant for eligible costs, to owners of businesses in the targeted commercial core areas identified by the CIP.

As part of the development process, there are opportunities for public input.

Learn more about the Community Improvement Plan

Consent (Severance) 

Consents are regulated under Section 53 of the Planning Act.  All division of land in Ontario is subject to subdivision control, either through a plan of subdivision or consent approval to ensure that the new lots are consistent with the planning policies set out in the Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws. 

Development Charges 

The Municipality of Lambton Shores has established development charges to ensure there are necessary funds to provide infrastructure and services needed for the growing population.

Minor Variance 

Minor Variances are regulated under Section 45 of the Planning Act.  If a development proposal does not conform exactly to a Zoning By-law, but meets the general intent and purpose and complies with the Official Plan, an application may be made for a minor variance
Official Plan

Official Plan Amendments are regulated under Section 22 of the Planning Act.  An official plan sets out the Municipality's general policies for future land use, and states the land use planning goals that guide development.

An Official Plan Update is currently underway by the Municipality of Lambton Shores. As part of the review process, extensive public consultation opportunities will be available. Learn more about the Official Plan Update process.

Reports and Publications 

Site Plan 

Site plan control by-laws are regulated under Section 41 of the Planning Act.  Site plans require certain types of buildings or developments to obtain “site plan approval” prior to construction. 

Subdivisions and Condominiums

This process pertains to an application plan of subdivision or condominium pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning Act.

The subdivision process is used to divide land, generally where a new municipal road is proposed, or the proposal would create more than five (5) separate development parcels.  Condominium proposals are reviewed and processed in the same manner as subdivisions under Section 51.

Note:  If your proposal involves subdividing land on a smaller scale (i.e. creation of one (1) or two (2) lots), you may be able to seek approval for land severance/consent.  Please refer to the Consent(severance) section noted above.

The purpose of a draft plan of subdivision is to develop land in an orderly manner by making sure that the proper infrastructure and municipal services will be in place, if they are not already.

A draft plan of subdivision must show:

  • property line boundaries and dimensions of each lot;
  • location of streets;
  • location of school and/or park sites

Subdivision/Condominium Application.  Pre-consultation meeting is highly recommended before an application will be deemed complete.

For more information regarding the process, please click here.



Zoning by-laws establish and regulate land use by implementing the general policies from the Official Plan.

Zoning By-law Amendment

This process pertains to an application for zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act.

Zoning Reports

To request a zoning report, complete the online request form.

The cost is $75.00 per roll number. There are three payment options to choose from:

  1. Pay by cheque: once you submit your request form, please make the cheque payable to Lambton Shores and mail to 9577 Port Franks Road, Thedford, ON  N0M 2N0
  2. Pay by credit card: once you submit your request form, an invoice will be emailed to you
  3. Pay online through your bank: once you submit your request form, an invoice will be emailed to you

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