Development Charges


The Municipality of Lambton Shores is a fast growing community. To ensure there are sufficient funds to provide the infrastructure and services for our increasing population, we have established development charges.

The charges are designed to ensure new development pays for the new or improved infrastructure that is required to service growth. A development charge is a viable source of funding for specific, identified capital costs.

How are charges applied?

The Development Charges By-Law applies to all lands located in the Municipality and is typically charged upon the issuing of a building permit under the Building Code Act.

In certain circumstances some exemptions apply. A full list of exemptions can be found in By-law 4 of 2023.

Charges and additional information

See the Development Charges Brochure and the Notice of Passing of Development Charges By-law for a list of current charges and additional information.

Further information is available in By-law 4 of 2023.

Read the DC Background Study

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