Forest Downtown Revitalization Program

With support from the Municipality of Lambton Shores, Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership led a Downtown Revitalization program to help boost the overall economic well-being of downtown Forest.

Along with a project coordinator, a Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee was established in May 2022 to oversee and guide the revitalization project. The advisory committee was made up of a broad range of community members, including residents and local business owners.

During the project, the advisory committee conducted research and collected valuable input from residents, business owners, and visitors. The committee is now analyzing their findings and developing a final report and strategy.

View the Summary Document for the Forest Downtown Revitalization Report

About the Downtown Revitalization program

The Downtown Revitalization program is an initiative through Ontario's Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and aims to:

  • help existing businesses get new customers
  • bring more businesses to the downtown area
  • team up with downtown organizations to coordinate efforts
  • promote the downtown core
  • make physical improvements (e.g., historic façade restoration, streetscaping, parking)
  • make the downtown core safe and pedestrian-friendly

The Forest Downtown Revitalization program was facilitated by the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership with support from the Municipality of Lambton Shores.

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