If you are thinking about launching or expanding your business to Lambton Shores, you are making a great choice! Lambton Shores offers a unique opportunity for the location of urban amenities that can serve both the local population, as well as the influx of the seasonal residents and tourist populations.
The area provides endless opportunities, whether you are looking for a relaxed rural backdrop or the excitement of an adventure-focused coastal lifestyle. With our business associations, plentiful space, and a strong sense of community with a support-local mentality, the Municipality of Lambton Shores is the perfect home for your business.
Business Retention and Expansion Study and Action Plan
The Municipality of Lambton Shores recently completed an extensive Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) study in an effort to identify specific action items to support economic development within the next 10-years. The study included engagement with local business owners and managers in order to develop a stronger understanding of the business environment in Lambton Shores.
As a result of the BR+E, a number of proposed actions are being recommended to assist and support the business community in Lambton Shores.
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