Minor Variance

What is a minor variance?

If a development proposal does not conform to the zoning bylaw, but meets the general intent and purpose and complies with the Official Plan, an application may be made for a “minor variance”.

Granting a minor variance eliminates the need for a formal re-zoning application. However, unlike a zoning amendment, it does not change the existing bylaw. A minor variance allows for an exception from specific requirements of the zoning bylaw for a specific property, and allows the owner to meet the requirements of the zoning by-law and apply for a building permit.

To be considered “minor”, the request needs to be:

  • Desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure
  • Meet the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan
  • Meet the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-Law
  • Be minor in nature

Minor Variance Application

The Committee of Adjustment hears applications for minor variances. Prior to the Committee of Adjustment meeting, general details pertaining to the application are circulated to surrounding property owners and notice is posted on the website.

Complete and submit the Minor Variance Application.

For more information regarding the process, please click here.

Committee of Adjustment

The Municipality of Lambton Shores has appointed a Committee of Adjustment made up of members of the community and a Council member. This Committee meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month (excluding December, due to Christmas) to hear and decide on minor variance applications and applications for consent (severance).

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