Official Plan

An Official Plan Update is currently underway by the Municipality of Lambton Shores. As part of the review process, extensive public consultation opportunities will be available. Learn more about the Official Plan Update process.

What is an Official Plan?

The Official Plan outlines the municipality's general policies for future land use, and states the land use planning goals that guide development. The policies deal with land use designations, infrastructure, transportation, environment, natural heritage, agricultural resources and more.

The Official Plan includes broad based principles and strategic policy, with the more site specific details contained in the zoning by-laws.

Visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Citizens Guide to the Official Plan for more information.

Lambton Shores Official Plan

Approval Process

The Council of the Municipality of Lambton Shores passed By-law 106 of 2015 on November 24, 2015 under Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 to adopt the new Lambton Shores Official Plan. 

The purpose of the new Lambton Shores Official Plan is to update and replace the former Official Plan after having completed a review of the Official Plan under Section 26 of the Planning Act, including Open Houses held on July 17, 2014 and July 24, 2014 and a Public Meeting held on August 14, 2014.

The new Lambton Shores Official Plan was submitted to the County of Lambton for approval, and was eventually approved on September 14, 2017 with a number of modifications.

Several appeals of the new Official Plan’s approval were made to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. The LPAT has now approved settlements with respect to all three appeals. One settlement changed the designation on a property on Schedule A3, the second added a special policy to section 5.7,  the final revised a paragraph within section 13.3.2.

The new Lambton Shores Official Plan is in full force and effect.

Please note that the County of Lambton also adopted a new County Official Plan, which is a separate process from the new Lambton Shores Official Plan. The County Official Plan was approved with modifications by the Province and is the subject of several outstanding appeals to the LPAT.

If you have any questions respecting either the new Lambton Shores Official Plan or the County of Lambton Official Plan approval processes, please contact:

Will Nywening, Senior Planner
Municipality of Lambton Shores
519-243-1400 ext. 8512

Official Plan

 View the Lambton Shores Official Plan.


Schedule A - Entire Municipality
Schedule A - Entire Municipality - Natural Heritage

Schedule B - Entire Municipality Drinking Water Source Water Protection

Schedule C - Grand Bend Drinking Water Source Water Protection

Schedule D - Archaeological and Built Heritage Resources

Schedule A1 - Grand Bend
Schedule A1 - Grand Bend - Natural Heritage

Schedule A2 - North Bosanquet
Schedule A2 - North Bosanquet - Natural Heritage

Schedule A3 - Port Franks - Northville
Schedule A3 - Port Franks - Northville - Natural Heritage

Schedule A4 - Ipperwash
Schedule A4 - Ipperwash - Natural Heritage

Schedule A5 - West Bosanquet
Schedule A5 - West Bosanquet - Natural Heritage

Schedule A6 - Forest
Schedule A6 - Forest - Natural Heritage

Schedule A7 - Thedford
Schedule A7 - Thedford - Natural Heritage

Schedule A8 - Arkona
Schedule A8 - Arkona - Natural Heritage

Official Plan Amendment

If you have plans to develop land in a way that is different than specified in the Official Plan, an Official Plan Amendment would be required to amend the policies and/or designations in the plan. You can apply for an Official Plan Amendment by submitting an Official Plan Amendment Application.

Official Plan Amendment Application

Planning staff will review your Official Plan Amendment Application once you submit it. Municipal Council and County of Lambton must approve any amendment to the Official Plan.

For more information regarding the process, please click here.


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