What are zoning by-laws?
The zoning by-law establishes and regulates land use by implementing the general policies from the Official Plan. The By-law allocates a specific “zone” to each property in the Municipality, and each zone has different requirements for how land can be used, where buildings can be located, the type of building or businesses permitted in an area, etc. It will also state the requirements for parking, buffering, building setbacks and contains site specific requirements that are legally enforceable.
If a planned development or business does not comply with the zoning by-law requirements, it is not allowed.
Visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Citizens Guide to Zoning By-Laws for more information.
Zoning By-law Amendment
If a property owner has a plan to develop a property in a way that does not comply with the requirements in the zoning by-law for the property, they would be required to apply for a zoning by-law amendment. This application would need to be approved prior to the development occurring.
For example, changing the use of a house in a residential area to a commercial business would require an amendment to the zoning by-law through an application.
Zoning By-law Amendment application
A zoning by-law amendment application is submitted to the Municipality for review, and Council will make the final decision on the application.
It is important to note that certain changes may require not only a zoning amendment, but may also require an Official Plan Amendment or a Site Plan Agreement.
For more information regarding the process, please click here.
Schedule A – Entire Municipality
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