Dog control
The municipality does not sell or issue dog tags. Dog control is an important safety issue for our communities. Our Dog Control By-law bans dogs from running at large and explains the fines. The by-law states that a dog must be on a leash when off of the owner's property and we enforce ‘Stoop N Scoop' within our communities.
The municipality does not have a cat by-law. Cat owners have a responsibility to keep their cat on their property, using a leash or harness if necessary. Owners are responsible to vaccinate and neuter or spay their cat to prevent attracting stray cats to the area.
Our municipality does not provide a service to deal with, or remove, nuisance or injured wildlife on private property. Calling Police about non-emergency wildlife issues can take them away from dealing with other important emergencies.
Wildlife issues on private property are the responsibility of the landowner. Landowners can call pest control or animal control companies to remove wildlife from their properties.
- If you are in immediate danger, or if the animal is aggressive and may injure someone, call the Police at their non-emergency number 1-888-310-1122; Protection of public health and safety is a priority.
- If you have been bitten, or had direct contact with an animal, seek medical attention and the hospital will report it to Lambton Health Unit at 519-383-8331 or 1-800-667-1839 during regular business hours.
- If your pet or livestock have been bitten, or had direct contact with a wild animal, contact your vet.
- If your domestic animal has been in contact with a raccoon, skunk, fox, or bat that you suspect has rabies, contact OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) at 1-877-424-1300.
- If a wild animal has been in contact with a raccoon, skunk, fox, or bat that you suspect has rabies, contact the MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry) at 1-888-574-6656.
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