There is no curbside collection service for compost or organic materials in Lambton Shores. You can use a backyard composter or a digester to manage these materials.
Visit the Bluewater Recycling Association Organic Hub for more information on composting and compost units.
Lambton Shores Compost site
The Lambton Shores compost site is located at 7550 Brush Road, near the Forest Wastewater Treatment Plant. You can bring leaves and brush material to the compost site.
As a Lambton Shores resident, you can pick up compost and wood chips from the compost site at no charge when available. Compost and wood chips are not available to businesses.
Map to the Lambton Shores Compost Site
Hours of operation
The Compost Site is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. from mid-April to mid-November each year (dates may be extended if weather permits).
The Compost Site is now open for the 2024 season with the hours listed above.
Site guidelines
- For Lambton Shores residents only. A driver’s license or utility bill with a Lambton Shores address is required for proof of residency. No commercial haulers or landscapers permitted.
- Materials must be separated and unloaded by the resident under the direction of the Site Operator.
Acceptable and unacceptable items
Leaf and Yard Waste can be dropped off at the Lambton Shores Compost Site free of charge.
Acceptable items |
Unacceptable items |
Things to remember:
- Only biodegradable paper bags may be left at the compost site.
- Individual branches must be less than 7 cm (2 ¾ in) in diameter.
- All branches, twigs and/or hedge trimmings shall be bundled using biodegradable material. Twine or string is the best option. Wire, duct tape and plastic twine will not biodegrade.
- Be aware that composting certain invasive weeds (i.e. phragmites, purple loosestrife, wild parsnip, garlic mustard) with other yard waste may enable their spread to new locations. Please refer to for additional information regarding best management practices and disposal options. Please do not compost these items.
Dumping materials other than “leaf and yard waste” is strictly forbidden and is considered illegal dumping; illegal dumping is subject to a minimum $100.00 fine.
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