Emergency Management

Preventing or reducing the impacts of disasters on our communities is a key focus for emergency management efforts. Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, all municipalities in Ontario are required to develop an emergency management program, which includes informing residents about local risks and hazards, and how residents can prepare for emergencies at home.

The page is dedicated to emergency management in Lambton Shores and provides information for residents that will help prepare for emergencies and take action to mitigate risk should an emergency occur.

What is an Emergency?

An emergency is defined in the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act as: "a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident, or an act whether intentional or otherwise."

Depending on the nature or magnitude of the situation, a coordinated response by a number of agencies may be required. These emergencies are distinct from the normal, day-to-day operations carried out by the first response agencies, such as police, fire, or ambulance. These emergencies would likely:

  • Be widespread and catastrophic.
  • Require a coordinated, multi-agency response and commitment of local and external (i.e., Provincial) resources.
  • Require a substantial expenditure of funds or borrowing of specialized equipment and resources for the response and recovery.

If a situation meets any of the above criteria, the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act gives the Head of Council of any municipality (i.e., Mayor) in Ontario the authority to declare an emergency.

When are Emergencies Declared?

Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, all municipalities in Ontario have complete authority to deal with the aftermath of a disaster. However, if a local municipality requires assistance, it has the ability to call upon the County or the Province.

Why would a municipality declare an emergency during or following a disaster?

  • It gives the Mayor additional powers to direct personnel, resources, supplies, and equipment.
  • It places the Province on notice that their assistance may be requests. The Province can procure specialized equipment or activate response teams with specialized training. The Province will cover the cost of such resources if an emergency is declared.
  • It implements a business cycle for keeping records of decisions, actions, expenditures, etc.
  • It covers volunteers under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board legislation.
  • It allows for obtaining materials, equipment, and services that have not been budgeted for, and without going through a formal tendering process. The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act contains a provision that allows the Province to fix prices for necessary goods, and to prohibit retailers from charging "unconscionable prices" for necessary goods, services, and resources.

Emergency Management Plan

The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act sets out requirements for the development, implementation, and maintenance of our emergency management program.

The Emergency Management Program Plan, based on elements contained in the Act focuses on supporting emergency preparedness and response activities. Requirements include the designation of an emergency management coordinator, the writing of an emergency response plan and the formation of a program committee. Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) monitors our compliance.

Emergency Management Program By-law

Our emergency management plan was developed and maintained in order to protect residents, businesses, and visitors. To do so, we require a coordinated emergency response by a number of agencies under the direction of the Emergency Control Group.

The Plan provides important information related to roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency. It enables a centralized, controlled, and coordinated response to emergencies and meets the legislated requirements of the Emergency Management Act.

View the Emergency Management Plan (this plan document is available in other accessible formats and with communication supports as soon as practicable and upon request.)

As outlined in the Emergency Management Plan, the Emergency Operations Centre is located at our Northville Office, which is where the Emergency Operations Control Group will operate during an emergency situation.

Also included in our Emergency Management Plan is the operation of five emergency reception centres. In the event of an emergency, these centres will be open to the public to provide shelter, food and medical aid.

Ending an Emergency

An emergency declaration can be terminated at any time by the Head of Council, the majority of Council, or the Premier of Ontario.

Emergency Preparedness

Are you prepared for an emergency? View our Emergency Preparedness page for more information to help ensure you and your family are prepared.

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