
Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) provides weekly, curbside garbage collection in Lambton Shores. BRA uses a co-collection system. This means that same truck collects both garbage and recycling.

 Collection schedule

View the Bluewater Recycling Association Collection Status for information on cancelled or delayed pick-ups.

View the Waste and Recycling Collection Map.

Holiday collection

If your collection day falls on a holiday, collection will take place as scheduled, except for Christmas Day and New Year's Day, when collection may be rescheduled.
 Pick-up information
Place all garbage in your wheelie bin with the black lid for pick-up. Place your garbage bin at the curb on your assigned side of the street by 7:00 am on your collection day.

Please do not place your bin behind an obstacle where you cannot see it from the road. For example:

  • Behind a snowdrift
  • Hidden in tall grass
  • Behind a hedge
 Report a missed pick-up
You can report a missed pick-up online, or call BRA at 1-800-265-9799 ext. 228, if you have not had your collection picked up on your scheduled day.
 Collection Reminder App

 Sign up for BRA's Collection Reminder App and never forget to put your garbage and recycling out again!

 Damaged or missing bins
 Please contact BRA at 1-800-265-9799 or request a replacement bin online to replace your damaged or missing bin.
 Garbage collection fee

The annual garbage collection fee in Lambton Shores relates to the size of the garbage bin you use:

  • $75 per year for 35-gallon containers
  • $150 per year for 65-gallon containers
  • $225 per year for 95-gallon containers

The garbage collection charge is billed on the property tax account.

 Acceptable and unacceptable items

Before throwing something in the garbage, check if you can recycle, compost, or dispose of it in another way. The Bluewater Recycling Association Material Guide will help you find the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of an item.

View the BRA Waste Information flyer for information on acceptable and unacceptable items.

 Getting rid of bulk items

There are many options in our local community and surrounding area to dispose or donate large items that you may no longer need or do not work. Read our latest Bulk Item Management Options - Spring 2025 Flyer to learn more about business options and social service options where items can be disposed of, recycled, or donated.

Learn more about bulky waste disposal on the BRA website. There are also several private waste disposal services in the area.

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