Public Education, Fire Prevention, and Awareness

In addition to providing emergency response services, Lambton Shores Fire and Emergency Services (LSFES) is dedicated to providing public education and fire prevention services to the community.

We hope the information on this page can serve as a starting point for those looking to learn more about fire prevention and safety. In addition to the information on this page, LSFES leads several public awareness campaigns throughout the year, such as Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week and Fire Prevention Week.

Home Fire Safety

Home fire safety is an incredibly important responsibility throughout the year. Preparing for a potential fire with a home escape plan is a very important first step, but it's also important to know what to do to prevent kitchen, electrical, or heating equipment fires.

Learn more about Home Fire Safety

Fire Prevention Week

Each year, Lambton Shores Fire and Emergency Services marks Fire Prevention Week with a comprehensive public awareness campaign.

Learn more about the 2024 Fire Prevention Week campaign

Safe Boating Awareness Week

Safe Boating Awareness Week takes place the fourth week of May each year and is an opportunity to remind boaters about the importance of safe boating practices. Each year, Lambton Shores Fire and Emergency Services shares important reminders in hopes of increasing boating safety while reducing the number of emergency calls on the water.

Learn more about the Safe Boating Awareness Week campaign.

Holiday Fire Safety Campaign

Each year, Lambton Shores Fire and Emergency Services marks the holiday season with the 12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety campaign.

Learn more about the "12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety" campaign.

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week

Each year, Lambton Shores Fire and Emergency Services marks Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week with a comprehensive public awareness campaign.

Learn more about Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week.

National Drowning Prevention Week

The Lifesaving Society designates the third week in July as National Drowning Prevention Week, a recognition week aimed at water safety and drowning prevention.

Learn more about National Drowning Prevention Week

Host a Fire Safety/Public Education Event

Lambton Shores firefighters would love to collaborate on fire safety and public education initiatives. Whether it's visiting students in the classroom or setting up a fire prevention booth at an event, we would love to hear about how we can be involved and share important fire safety messages.

Our Public Education and Fire Prevention staff can be reached by email
Spring Reminders: change your clocks, check your batteries!

Each spring, Lambton Shores firefighters remind the community that March doesn't just mean changing your clocks ahead an hour... it also means giving your smoke alarms some attention!

Learn more

Fire Safety Videos
Coming soon.
Public Education Contact Information
Public Education and Fire Prevention
Lambton Shores Fire and Emergency Services

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