Roads and Sidewalks

The Community Services Department oversees approximately 700 lane-kilometres of municipally-owned roads (300 km paved and 400 km gravel), approximately 45 bridges and numerous road culverts. The Department also oversees the maintenance of the streetlights that line residential streets.


Summer maintenance

Summer maintenance activities include sidewalk repairs, grading, re-graveling, dust control, ditching, roadside mowing, tree trimming, brush cleanup, road sign installation/maintenance, construction projects, bridge work, pavement patching and more. 

Winter maintenance

Winter maintenance activities include snow plowing, sanding/salting, ice blading of gravel roads, snow removal in town and sidewalk plowing.

Be prepared. Check out the road conditions and weather conditions before heading out.

Road repair and rehabilitation

The Road Repair and Rehabilitation Policy outlines a clear process to be used when determining the capital resurfacing, repair, reconstruction and other rehabilitation needs for the Municipality's road network. The policy provides a guiding framework for staff to follow when developing the annual road network capital plan, and sets standards to ensure best practices in asset management are followed. 

Reduced load restrictions

Load restrictions are put into effect on our roads each year. In the spring, roads are weakened by excess water in the road base and can be damaged by heavy vehicles. When a load restriction is in effect, the road is off limits to heavy transports. Once the road is determined to be structurally sound, load restrictions may be lifted.

In accordance with By-Law 09 of 2021, half load limits are generally in effect from March 1st to May 1st but can be extended due to weather and road conditions.  The Municipality will issue updates to define restriction periods based on seasonal weather conditions.

Exempt from the provisions of the By-Law are:

  • Main Street, Grand Bend
  • Ontario Street, Grand Bend between the municipal boundary and Pinetree Drive
  • King Street East, Forest between Townsend Line and Main Street
  • Main Street South, Forest between King Street and the municipal boundary

Report an issue

Complete the Report It form to report any road, sidewalk or streetlight issue. 
 Road cut permit 

A road cut permit is required for the temporary occupation or construction within the Municipality's roadways, boulevards or sidewalks. To apply, please use the online Permit Application Portal and select "Work On Municipal Right of Way" from the Application Type drop-down menu.

Please refer to the schedule of fees for applicable fees.





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