
The Municipality of Lambton Shores is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. The Lambton Shores' accessibility policy outlines the principles and practices that ensure all Lambton Shores programs and services are accessible to everyone.

The Accessibility Policy can be viewed online and can be made available in another accessible format upon request.

Guides and plans

 2024 - 2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Read the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Previous Plans and Reports

This Accessibility Plan has been prepared with input from the Lambton Shores Accessibility Advisory Committee (LSAAC). The report outlines the measures that Lambton Shores has taken in the past, and the measures that Lambton Shores plans to consider during the forthcoming period of 3 years, to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities that use the facilities and services of Lambton Shores.

2021 - Annual Status Report

2020 - 2022 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (updated June 2021)

2020 - 2022 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (updated June 2021) - Accessible Version

 Guide to Accessible Festivals and Outdoor Events

Festival and event organizers are encouraged to reference this guide when planning their community festivals and events to try to make it accessible to all. The guide was prepared by the Province of Ontario.

Guide to Accessible Festivals and Outdoor Events

 StopGap Community Ramp Project

The StopGap Foundation is a registered charity that promotes the use of temporary ramps to allow access to commercial buildings where a step currently presents a barrier. This is done through Community Ramp Projects, which are volunteer-led initiatives bringing StopGap’s awareness raising messages to communities across Canada.

Lambton Shores' Council supports the implementation of the StopGap Community Ramp Project if a local organization(s) wishes to champion the project.

The following report and website link explains the program further.

StopGap Community Ramp Project Report

StopGap Website

Accessibility for web users

The Municipality of Lambton Shores will strive to ensure that its official municipal website and web content conform to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, which calls for accessibility levels according to the World Wide Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A, at a minimum. To illustrate the municipality's commitment to a high level of website accessibility as quickly as possible, the website conforms to the WCAG 2.0 Level AA, well ahead of the January 1, 2021, date required by AODA regulations. Except where meeting this requirement is not practicable, this conformity applies to the website, web content and web-based applications that are controlled directly or through a contractual relationship that allows for the modification of the product and web content.

Accessible documents

We are committed to working towards achieving a fully accessible website. While we make every effort to keep website content accessible to all visitors there may be certain documents and information that are not currently available in an accessible format. Please contact the Administration department at 519-243-1400 extension 4 for assistance in obtaining an accessible document.

Accessibility committee

We strive to ensure that people of all ages and abilities enjoy the same opportunities while they live, work, visit, or play in our communities. We are working actively to provide increased accessibility in Lambton Shores through the prevention of new barriers and reduction and removal of existing barriers.

Feedback Process

The Municipality of Lambton Shores strives to continually improve accessibility. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions. Please contact the Clerks Department by email or at 519-243-1400 (option 4), or submit an online feedback form using the Report It portal on our website.

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