Early in their term, Council adopted their 2019-2022 Strategic Priorities. The document identifies a number of priorities that Council wishes to focus efforts and resources during their term. Included in the area of Governance and Organizational Management, Council indicated that they wish to review the current ward structure and size of Council.
In 2020, Council received two staff reports which recommended an independent review of Lambton Shores Council Composition and Ward Boundaries. The review focuses on the two issues identified by Council being ward boundaries/configuration and the composition of Council.
The Municipality of Lambton Shores has engaged Andrew Sancton Consulting to conduct a comprehensive Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review. The review will provide Council with a report identifying alternative models for consideration along with a recommendation of the structure that best provides for equitable and effective representation for Lambton Shores to consider moving into the 2022 Municipal Election.
Staff Report 03-2020 Ward Boundary and Council Composition Review
Staff Report 10-2020 Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review Request for Proposal
Phase 4
Andrew Sancton Consulting provided their final report to Council on December 15, 2020. The report made 4 specific recommendations:
Deputy Mayor
We recommend that a deputy mayor, who is directly elected by all the voters of Lambton Shores, should continue to be a member of the council of the Municipality of Lambton Shores.
Ward vs. At-Large Election
We recommend that all Councillors in Lambton Shores continue to be elected from wards.
Size of Council
We recommend that that the size of the municipal council of Lambton Shores be reduced from nine to seven.
Ward Boundaries
We recommend that the ward boundaries contained in the revised version of Option 5 presented here be adopted as the new ward boundaries for Lambton Shores effective for the 2022 municipal election.
We would also support a system based on our Option 5 that combines our proposed Wards 1 and 2 and into one ward that would elect two councillors. The same could happen with Wards 4 and 5, leaving Ward 3 as the only ward electing one councillor.
Description of recommended ward boundaries
Wards 1 and 2 are separated east-west by Highway 21 (Ontario Street South), at the north by Lake Shore Road, and at the south by Klondyke Road.
The boundary between Wards 2 and 3 follows the eastern boundary of the Pinery Provincial Park south from Lake Huron to Highway 21, then west along Highway 21 until the cut, which it follows south to North Middlesex.
The boundary between Wards 3 and 4 follows Thomson Line west to Army Camp Road, and then north along Army Camp Road to where it intersects with Highway 21.ark south from Lake Huron to Highway 21, then west along Highway 21 until the cut, which it follows south to North Middlesex.
Wards 4 and 5 are separated east-west by Highway 21 and north-south by Townsend Line.
Final Report PowerPoint Presentation
On December 15, 2020, after receiving the presentation and final report, Council passed the following resolution:
THAT staff prepare a report regarding the costs associated with any change to Council composition and ward boundaries; and
THAT a decision be tabled until such time that the state of emergency has been lifted.
This page will be updated when there is progress on this matter.
Phase 3
At its meeting of September 29, 2020, Andrew Sancton Consulting presented their preliminary report to Council which provided information with respect to the Ward Boundary and Council Composition Review.
Preliminary Report Presentation
Supplementary Report - Deputy Mayor Position
Public Consultation
During this Phase, our consultants went to the voters of Lambton Shores to hear their comments on the five (5) preliminary options put forward to Council for consideration.
The voters of Lambton Shores had three (3) separate opportunities to provide their comments, ideas and input to the consultant team:
- Online Survey
- In-Person Public Consultation and Information Session - November 12, 2020
- Virtual Public Consultation and Information Session - November 18, 2020
Public Consultation Presentation
Background Information
Lambton Shores’ Ward Boundaries have not been reviewed since amalgamation in 2001.
Council of the Municipality of Lambton Shores is comprised of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and seven Councillors.
Currently, seven Councillors are elected to represent the seven wards. One Councillor for each ward and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected at large.
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