The Municipality of Lambton Shores has initiated a comprehensive review its Official Plan. This page is dedicated to the Official Plan Review, including links and information related to any public consultation as part of the process.
What is the Official Plan?
The Municipality of Lambton Shores Official Plan outlines the Municipality’s goals, objectives, and policies primarily used to support growth, economic development, and building Lambton Shore’s future. The plan also establishes a framework for managing the effects of growth on the social, economic and natural environment of the Municipality.
The Planning Act requires that an Official Plan be updated to ensure that it: conforms with provincial plans or does not conflict with them; has regard to matters of provincial interest; is consistent with provincial policy statements; and addresses recent legislative changes.
Taking into account the timing of the approval of the current Official Plan in 2015, the introduction of a 2020 Provincial Policy Statement and amendments to the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as well as a new Lambton County Official Plan, the Municipality has initiated a comprehensive update to its Official Plan.
Community Engagement
As part of the Official Plan review and update, there will be several opportunities for the community to provide feedback and input.
Online Public Survey |
The Municipality would like your input to guide the goals, objectives, and policies as it relates to the updated Official Plan. The survey is now closed. There will be more public engagement opportunities throughout the process. |
Public Meetings |
Below are additional opportunities for the community to engage and take part in the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Official Plan? |
The Official Plan outlines the municipality's general policies for future land use, and states the land use planning goals that guide development. The policies deal with land use designations, infrastructure, transportation, environment, natural heritage, agricultural resources and more. The Official Plan includes broad based principles and strategic policy, with the more site specific details contained in the zoning by-laws. |
Why is the Official Plan being updated? |
The Planning Act requires that an Official Plan be updated to ensure that it: conforms with provincial plans or does not conflict with them; has regard to matters of provincial interest; is consistent with provincial policy statements; and addresses recent legislative changes. Taking into account the timing of the approval of the current Official Plan in 2015, the introduction of a 2020 Provincial Policy Statement and amendments to the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as well as a new Lambton County Official Plan, the Municipality has initiated a comprehensive update to its Official Plan |
Can I read the current Official Plan? |
Learn more on the Official Plan page of our website. |
Where can I find ongoing updates regarding the Official Plan Update? |
This page will be updated as more information and updates are available. You can "subscribe" to page updates by clicking the blue "Subscribe to this Page" button at the bottom of the page. |
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