Presentations to Council

Citizen involvement in local government is an essential part of the democratic process and there are several ways to voice your concerns and provide information to Council.

Personal contact by phone, email or in person

Members of the public can contact the Mayor or Members of Council using the contact information published on our website.

Provide written information to the Mayor and Council

We forward all letters addressed to the Mayor and Council to them by internal email. If a member wishes Council to address an item, the member shall advise the Clerk. We will put the item on the next agenda (if notice provided in accordance with By-Law 14 of 2017). Please send letters or emails to the Clerk.

Make an application to be a Presenter at an upcoming meeting

Presentations are an opportunity to share information with Council. If you would like to present information to Council, you can submit a request to the clerk and provide details on the topic of your presentation.

Presentations are limited to 10 minutes; therefore, it is important to provide all information in advance so that Council can be familiar with the issues to be discussed. You must submit your application for presentation by 11:00 a.m. 11 days prior to the Council meeting.

The Clerks department handles requests for presentations in accordance with the Procedural By-Law. There is a limit of 3 presentations per meeting and presentations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Once the 3 presentation limit is met, additional requests are put forward to the next available Council meeting. See the Council Meeting Calendar for a list of meeting dates.

Make an application to be a Delegation

Members of the public wishing to provide information or express views in relation to a matter on the current agenda can apply to be a delegation. This is an opportunity for members of the public to share a viewpoint that may assist Council in its deliberation of a matter. Anyone wishing to ask questions of their Councillor or provide more information on an issue should make personal contact with their Council representative.

Delegations are limited to 3 minutes. Applications for delegations are due by 12:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting, must relate to an item on an agenda and include the points to be made at the meeting.

Presenter vs. Delegation

Information on how you can make an application to be a Presenter or a Delegation can be found above. To help clarify the difference between a Presenter and a Delegation:

  • Making a presentation to Council is an opportunity to share something with Council for information-only
  • A Delegation is an opportunity to provide information or express views in relation to a specific item on the agenda to assist Council in its deliberation of the matter

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