Council is responsible for managing and investing your tax dollars to meet the needs of the community. The Finance Department coordinates the preparation and presentation of the Operating and Capital Budgets and Financial Reports that Council approves.
How does a Municipal Budget work?
Budget |
The Municipality of Lambton Shores has developed a document for the public to learn more about Municipal budgets and the 2024 Lambton Shores Budget. You can also review the formal 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets Operating and capital budgets support the strategic direction set by Council while maintaining current service delivery in the most cost effective manner. Our budget process begins in the fall for the following year. We develop the budget on current operational requirements and various studies and policies such as the Roads Needs Study, Asset Management Plan, Bridge Study, and Action and Design Plans. The budget has two components: operating and capital. Each component has two sections that present the budget information:
Financial reports |
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